Ode to a LAN party gone by
The OKC Lan Party was a not for profit organization that would meet the 3rd Saturday of every month at a rented room in Shepard Mall to
play a variety of computer games as well as socialize with like minded people. For $15 you could gain admission, play games for 15 hours,
enjoy half of a large pizza, and drink all the softdrinks you could handle. We had room for 55 gamers and most often had a waiting list.
All proceeds went to a different charity each month and Shepard Mall eventually waived our entrance fee to allow more to go to chairty. We
had gamers from all over the United States and our message board had 100's of posts each month. As broadband became more previlent and as
the staff got older and took on "adult responsibilities" the LAN party came to an end. This page is here to pay homage to members and staff
that helped make the LAN party the great success that it was. There is a user forum available for previous members. Please contact
beetle@okclanparty.org for information.
Forum now available....

I put up a quick phpbb forum. Click the forum menu item to access it. You will need to register and I'll need to approve it before you can access any messages. This is private, after all. enjoy
Old site...new cause...

Okay, my HTML is not as strong as it once was and I'm stealing our old code from the old site.
So, Quake Live seems to be alive and some of us are re-living the past a little. This site will be used as a place-holder for our general endevors including a future LAN party/Poker tourney event.
So......Quake Live info. The following table (hopefully) will list everyones Name and Player ID. If you want to be added shoot me an e-mail at beetle@okclanparty.org
Player Name |
Alias |
Player Name |
Alias |
Greg |
13eetle |
Austin |
Arcman |
Adam |
XChosen |
OJ |
fartlyboy |
Tyler |
falsusnomen |
Andy |
ravensportal |
Tom |
Check6 |
Phillip |
gael3n |
Jamie |
sharpeyes |
Pedro |
SpikeTsu |
Julius |
NiekoZee |
Chris |
SleeperGTP |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Ventrilo Server

We have a ventrilo server set up to chat in. It's very basic with a generic password to enter. Point your Ventrilo client at okclanparty.org. For password information shoot me an e-mail or check it out on the forum. There is a general section plus a red and blue room for team games. Let me know if you have any problems. Enjoy....

I have zipped up and upload my quake live script file. You can download it HERE
You install scripts in the baseq3 directory in software settings of id Software. For Vista this is located at:
c:\users\yourusername\AppData\LocalLow\id Software\quakelive\baseq3.
There is also a "home" directory under quakelive and it also contains a baseq3 directory. This is where your "autoexec.cfg" lives which is executed at startup of the game. My autoexec.cfg has 1 line that says "exec beetle.cfg". You can also execute scripts by pulling down a console (~ once enabled) and typing 'exec filename.cfg'
Some handy commands are:
cg_foreenemymodel "keel/bright" - All enemies look the same - Fat and bright green.
cg_bob 0 -- removes the bob in you run/walk. cg_noprojectiletrail -- removes smoke, etc. from weapons allowing for better vision.
clan "[olp]" -- sets your clan tag.
There are a lot of commands. Sift through the script or go to the forums online at quakelive.com for more info.