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© OKC Lan Party
All Rights Reserved


  • You must be at least 18 years of age to attend an OLP. If you are between 15 and 18, a parent or guardium must sign you in. If you are under 15, you must be accompanied by parent or guardian. No Exceptions will be made. Sorry, but this is a legal decision, we do this for fun and do not want any legal action taken against us.

  • No viewing/displaying/transferring of pornographic material will be allowed. Period. Staff members will be the judge of what is appropriate and what is not. Violation of this rule will mean expulsion from the LAN party. Testing of this rule will not be tolerated either. If you have to ask then it probably shouldn't be displayed. Don't waste our time in asking. Just don't do it.

  • No copyrighted, pornographic, or other illegal file shares. Sharing is allowed, but the OLP does not condone the sharing of copyrighted materials or applications, pornography, or other illegal activities or file sharing. Violation can result in the offenders being asked to leave without refund. Each player is soley responsible for his/her own share content and for making certain that their computer does not contain viruses that may infect other players.

  • Do not go behind any of the tables. Let a staff member plug in your network connection and your power cable. As many of you have seen the cabling area can become an accident waiting to happen. Only staff members are allowed behind the tables.

    ** All attendees will be required to sign a disclaimer prior to being admitted to the festivities. You may view a copy of the disclaimer at the following link: DISCLAIMER

    We do not allow alcohol for both legal and monetary reasons. Alcohol would require us to have uniformed security on site during the whole event.

    No excessive profanity -- There are over 20 thousand words in the English language. You can avoid overusing two or three of the more vulgar phrases for one day.

    No smoking in the building. Twelve hours of staring at a CRT is painful enough, so we really don't need the added bonus of your second hand smoke.

    Thou shall NOT fool with the network or the servers else thou shall be drawn and quartered then asked to leave.

    Keep your hands to yourself.  Your neighbor's computer may look excellent, but you are not at Best Buy.

    Be a humble winner and a gracious loser.  Please hold the victory celebrations down to 30 seconds.  Also, if you feel the need to punch out a monitor, make sure it is yours.

    No screaming - an occasional whoop is fine.

    Remember your spouses and parents will not be at the event so you will have to clean up after yourself.

    Please read the OKC Lan Party disclaimer for additional information.  Each attendee will be required to accept the disclaimer upon walking through the door. 

    I Agree   |   No Thanks

    If you have any questions feel free to contact Timberwolf for clarification.

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